Our bell tower needs some love!

*Artwork by Ken Rush


We have now begun fundraising to refurbish our bell tower. It needs about $35,000 worth of work. You will notice the “Bell Tower tracker” in the narthex marked with rectangular bricks. Each brick is worth $500, so for every donation of that amount we will color a brick until we have them all. I know that $500 is a lot of money for a lot of people, so if you can’t afford to buy a whole brick, please consider buying a half a brick or 20% of a brick. For each donation we receive we will color in the appropriate bricks or partial bricks.

There will be envelopes in the pews for your convenience and there is a QR code at the bottom of this page if you would prefer to give electronically. However you choose, please note on the check or the electronic menu that the contribution is for the Bell Tower. Thank you all for your generosity and help seeing this project through!


To donate electronically:

Use the QR code below or click here to be redirected to our giving page.

Zion Church Office