
Ways to know Christ’s love


Worship Services

Lenten Services

Wednesday Taizé services will begin on March 12th at 5pm and repeat weekly throughout the Lenten season at St. John’s Chapel in Manchester Village. Taizé is a short meditative service of candlelight, prayer and simple chant modeled after the Taizé Christian community in France. There is parking available in a lot behind the chapel.

Palm Sunday services will be held on April 13th at 8 am and 10 am at Zion Church.

Maundy Thursday service will be held at 7 pm at Zion Church.

Good Friday services will include Stations of the Cross at Zion at 12 noon. There will also be a 7 pm combined church worship service taking place at First Congregational Church in Manchester Village.

The Easter Vigil/Holy Saturday service will be held at Zion Church at 8 pm.

Easter Sunday details to follow shortly.


Join us in person for 8 am (Rite I) or 10 am (Rite II) service at Zion Church on Sundays.

To join us via Zoom for the 10 am Zion service - please find the Order of Service and link below.



Holy Communion & Healing Service: 12 noon in person and/or via Zoom


Liturgical Ministries


Lectors are volunteers, led by Donna Ciulla, who sign up for specific readings/times each week. Reading, reviewing and reflecting on the reading prior to the Sunday service along with reading aloud at the weekly service, either in person or via Zoom. Please contact Donna Ciulla by email at donna.ciulla2019@gmail.com to participate.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a dedicated group of parishioners who prepare the altar for all worship services held in Zion Church. They set up and maintain the altar vestments, linens, and communion elements. It is their responsibility to take reverent care of the sacred space in the church. Contact:  Fr. David Fredrickson, head of the Altar Guild at (802) 362-1987.


Zion has an active choir.  We encourage anyone to join us for a very rewarding and fun experience.  All are welcome. – no prior experience required. Choir runs from mid- September to mid-June. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings and the door is always open. If you are interested in joining, contact Christopher Lewis, music director, by email at clewis0820@gmail.com.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers train to assist in sharing the Eucharist with parishioners. Please reach out to Fr. David Fredrickson at revdave@zionchurchmanchester.org or Susan Bryant at bryantsu@post.harvard.edu for more information.