Our Staff


The Reverend David Fredrickson, Priest-in-Charge

(802) 362-1987 - Option 3


Dawn Castiglia, Parish Administrator

Tel (802) 362-1987 - Option 4


Christopher Lewis, Music Director and Organist

(802) 236-4991


Verna Mylott, Bookkeeper

(802) 362-1987 Option 5



Parish Leadership

Senior Warden - Mary Jo Gourd

Term expires – 2027

Junior Warden - David Brinson

Term expires - 2026

Treasurer - Deb Moser

Term expires -2027

Vestry Clerk - Susan Bryant

Term expires - 2027

Vestry - Michael Giordano

Term expires - 2026

Vestry - Albert Goetze

Term expires - 2028

Vestry - Astri Kilburn

Term expires - 2027

Vestry - James Lewis

Term expires - 2026

Vestry - Robin Pomerance

Term expires - 2028