Ways to help each other
Sunday Diner
Volunteers reflect this congregation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another. Please consider being part of the team!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
1. Cooking Crew meets the Saturday before Sunday Diner at First Congregational Church (FCC) in Manchester Village at 10 am.. Please join us as we prepare the meal while listening to some music and having a few laughs. Please bring a knife, apron and cutting board. No experience necessary!
2. Setup Crew meets at the Eagles Club the day of the dinner at 3 pm to setup the tables and chairs in the dining room, and prepare the two buffet stations.
3. Cleanup Crew clears the tables, mans the dishwasher and replaces the dishes to their original locations. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!
Please reach out to the Leadership Team (Dave Fredrickson, Jamie Hastings, Deb Moser or Jon Comeau) with any questions. Sign-up sheets are posted in Mitchell Hall.
Community Food Cupboard
The Community Food Cupboard (CFC) has been providing nutritional food to people in need in the Northshire community (20 area towns) for more than 28 years. The CFC has a 15-member board of directors representing six local religious congregations. It is supported by a staff of more than 100 volunteers. Zion supports the CFC through food donations, monetary contributions and volunteer hours. Zion Church has two representatives on the Board and staffs the food cupboard during the months of September and February. To volunteer during Zion’s months, see the sign-up sheets posted at church or contact the food cupboard directly to volunteer at any time. The volunteer work includes unpacking boxes, stocking shelves, assisting clients with their food choices, delivering food to the homebound, and picking up donated food items from local businesses. The Community Food Cupboard is open Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to Noon, Thursdays from 10 a.m. to Noon and 2 to 4 p.m., and the last Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to Noon. The CFC is closed for some holidays and for several days during the Christmas holiday season.
Contact info: CFC (802) 362-0057
Interfaith Council
The Interfaith Council of the Northshire (IFC), of which Zion is a member, is composed of area houses of worship and affords each member the opportunity to extend hospitality to one another. The work of the IFC extends into the community through its many outreach programs, including Neighbor to Neighbor (always appreciative of more volunteers!), the Auto Angels program, the Kids Summer Lunch program, and the Holiday Fund and Distribution project. To volunteer for Neighbor to Neighbor or for more information go to https://neighbortoneighborvt.org.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Neighbor to Neighbor helps seniors in Southern Vermont remain independent and allows them to stay in their own homes. They provide a variety of services at no-cost. They include:
companionship & friendly visits
monthly social events
gardening & other small jobs
grocery shopping & errands
To read more about what Neighbor to Neighbor does and how you can help, visit their website by clicking here or going to https://neighbortoneighborvt.org.
Zion Community Partnerships
Zion and its people have created and/or contributed to the following local, regional, and international organizations:
Below are the ways that we can carry out our mission – both as God’s faithful people and through service to the people of Manchester, the greater region, and the world.
Interfaith Council of the Northshire
World Vision
Local Christmas Ministries
Peruvian Ministry
Food Card Donations for Seniors
Clayton Scholarships