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Welcome to our faith community!
Zion Episcopal Church, Manchester Center, Vermont
St. John’s Summer Chapel, Manchester Village, Vermont
Zion Episcopal Church and St. John’s Summer Chapel
Here are some thoughts to make your visit to Zion and St John’s Summer Chapel more welcoming and comfortable:
Location, Parking and Handicapped Access
Zion is located at 5167 Main, Street Manchester Center, VT. St John’s Summer Chapel is located at 3512 Main Street, Manchester Village, VT.
At Zion there is ample parking in a lower parking lot to the left as you face the church. There is handicapped parking behind the church with wheelchair access. If you require assistance, please notify one of the Greeters at the door to the Narthex (Lobby). Parking at St John’s is to the left of the church as you face the front doors.
Manchester is a casual Vermont community. As such, all forms of neat attire are welcome at Zion and St. John’s Chapel. Some dress as casually as if they were having a cup of coffee at a sidewalk café. Others like to dress more formally. Please don’t let your clothing keep you from joining us. Even children in athletic gear are very welcome!
Greeters and Ushers
Greeters are present at all access doors front and back. They are there to welcome you and to assist with access, directions and to make you comfortable as you enter the church. Ushers are present in the Narthex to help you find a seat and explain the Order of Service, Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal. Questions are always welcomed!
The Rev. David Fredrickson - Easter Sunday Service April, 9th, 2023.
Pentecost 2023
Worship Service
Zion has two different services with Holy Communion on Sunday mornings from September through May. Holy Eucharist Rite I at the 8:00am and Holy Eucharist Rite II at the 10:00am Service. From mid June through September, there is only one service at 9 am. On Wednesday there is a Healing Prayer Service in the Narthex at Zion at 12:00pm. (Year-round.)
Wednesday Healing Service
In the summer months, (beginning the middle of June), St. John’s Chapel opens up for service at 10:30 am. St. John’s also holds one service on Christmas Eve.
Receiving Communion
The Episcopal Church invites all Baptized Christians to receive Holy Communion. At communion, both bread and wine are offered. To receive communion, come up to the Priest/Minister who will be standing in front of the altar rail.
Prior to Holy Communion an Usher will pass an offering basket. If you are comfortable and able a monetary offering is always welcome but not necessary.
Coffee Hour
After the service is over, please come to Coffee Hour in Mitchell Hall and let us get to know you and answer any questions you might have.
All are invited and welcome to Zion Episcopal Church and St. John’s Summer Chapel. You need not be a Christian nor a “church person” to attend. Everyone who is interested in fellowship, prayer and learning more about God and the Episcopal Church is invited to join us. We look forward to welcoming you.
Welcome to Zion Church and St. John’s Chapel - A Brief History
Zion Episcopal Church in Manchester Center, Vermont opened its doors on October 4, 1782. Since that day, the Zion community has invited all who seek a deeper understanding of Christ’s love through prayer, fellowship and ways to serve others, and to join us in this quest. As the Zion community evolved and engaged in discernment, the Mission of the church became clearly manifest. “To Know Christ’s Love and to Share It.”
As Manchester became a popular summer destination, the Diocese of Vermont established a Mission Church, St John’s Chapel. The doors of this beautiful Chapel first opened in 1867 welcoming permanent as well as summer residents. Both are vibrant mission-based churches dedicated to worship, service and spiritual growth.
After two centuries committed to our Mission and service to others, Zion is a vibrant church community seeking relevant ways to continue to live our Mission.
We invite you to learn more about Zion and to join us.
For those looking for more meaning and deepened spirituality, The Episcopal Church offers honest and unconditional acceptance, which removes barriers to Jesus Christ and permits belonging to an authentic church community.
If you are:
strong and want a task
weary and need rest
lonely and need companionship
lost and need counsel
mourning and need comfort
sinful and need a Savior
this church opens wide its doors, and in the name of Christ our Lord says: “WELCOME!”
Still have questions?
If you still have questions or would like to have someone contact you, please call the Church office which is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 4:00pm, and Thursdays from noon to 4:00 pm.
The office phone number is (802) 362-1987, or, you can send an email to office@zionchurchmanchester.org.